Saturday, 14 July 2012

0 Research Proposal_ Case Study: TMZ and the How and Why of Celebrity Fandom

This research proposal contains an overview, literature review, and methodology, limitations and delimitations, and the significance of the study. The specific research is an exploratory case study that seeks to gain insights into the nature of fandom. In terms of theoretical framework the background and emergence of fandom is considered. The literature review considers pervading theories into the nature of fandom. The case study design indicates that specifically over a two week period stories from the TMZ gossip website will be analyzed. Additionally, the story that received the most user comments for the day will be analyzed in terms of these comments. The study limitations are recognized as the challenge of making broad assumptions regarding these findings. 
I. Introduction and Theoretical Framework
            The Hollywood entertainment industry emerged as a major cultural force in the early 20th century. While films were the driving-engine of growth, even in the early eras of Hollywood, celebrity fandom emerged as a major occurrence. It was not long before an entire star system emerged, where actors and actresses under contract with specific studios had projects tailored to them. This process continues through the present day as movie stars receive multi-million dollar contracts for a single film. While such prices seem exorbitant to some they are justified because of the significant fans these stars can bring into the theatres. Hollywood hasn’t been the only one to capitalize on such fandom; one considers that today the connection between celebrities and fans extends into a realm of not just appreciation, but also gossip and human interest. Indeed, there are a number of highly popular websites, such as TMZ and Perez Hilton where fans not only view pictures of celebrities but also gain intimate knowledge of the details of their lives.   
            Perhaps a foundational theoretical consideration in terms of the topic is the recognition that the very linguistic origins of the term celebrity share roots with such terms as ‘fame’ and ‘being thronged;’ the French ‘celebre’ means well-known in public (Marshall 1997). With such a fundamental link between celebrity and the public, it is little stretch to consider the important role fandom plays in the equation. While fandom is a regularly occurring aspect of our daily lives, with some individuals exhibiting varying degrees of fanaticism, perhaps the more fundamental question is the underlining significance of this. With the recognition of these understandings in mind this research sets about investigating the motivating influences of fandom.
II. Purpose of the Study

            The study seeks to identify the primary reasons individuals are interested in celebrity gossip. Additionally, it recognizes that there may be underlining issues the individuals are not aware of or external conditions that motivate their interest; as such the study is exploratory in that attempts to unearth and articulate cursory concerns as reflective or conflicting with past research paradigms. 
III. Review of the Literature

            There have been a number of research perspectives on the nature of fandom. It’s been argued that, “the emergence of celebrity as a public preoccupation is the result of three major interrelation historical processes. First, the democratization of society; second, the decline in organized religion; third, the commodification of everyday life” (Rojek 2001, p. 12). The link to commodification is particularly apt as it indicates that celebrity culture will be perpetually switched in response to market developments. Perhaps the most important recognition in these regards is that a ‘celebrity’ such as Jennifer Anniston or Lady Gaga is not simply an individual, but considering the stylists, public relations agents, and a variety of other inputs, more akin to an institution.
            In contemporary life the scheduling of emotions, presentation of self in interpersonal relations and techniques of public impression management, are now all mediated by celebrity influences. Furthermore, sociologists Pierre Bourdeau has even argued that celebrities contribute to “identity formation, and general forms of social interaction are patterned and inflected by the styles, embodied attitudes and conversations developed in celebrity culture” (Bourdeau as cited Marshall 1997, p. 112) The cumulative understanding of such a powerful institution as ‘celebrity’ culture should have profound implications. Essentially what these theorists have argued is that embodied in the celebrity are the very trends and democratic significations of modern existence.
            When one considers the embodiment of celebrity in modern culture one of the most central questions emerges – does celebrity influence society or does society influence celebrity. In recent years perhaps the most noticeable such celebrity influence has been that of Lady Gaga. Gaga’s style, as cultivated by her own team of artists she refers to as the Haus of Gaga, have had a direct impact on popular styles and may even be argued to empower large blocks of marginalized individuals. Still, even with the seemingly undeniable interaction between celebrity culture and fandom, there are a number of theorists that believe that the institution of ‘celebrity’ is less a democratic indicator of cultural trends and is instead the creation of a powerful elite that works to shape social ideologies. Indeed, Adorno and Horkheimer argue that celebrity images are a “coercive force, shaping society according to oppressive ideologies that favor the powerful elite, rather than the general public” And that, “the celebrity is not a real person, but merely a commodity…used to control the consciousness of a malleable public” (Adorno & Horkheimer 1979, p. 349). Even if one doesn’t embrace the argument that celebrity culture is the creation of a powerful elite, it is readily apparent that there are images of celebrity that may run counter to values. Prominently in modern culture is Kim Kardashian or the ‘celebrity institution of Kim Kardashian’. While Kim Kardashian has been widely embraced by fans, one recognizes that some may consider her image over sexualized and an attack on modern values.
            While celebrity images have been argued to influence mass culture, there are also a number of theorists who argue that such fan/celebrity interaction undergoes a process of negotiation. Indeed, “much of the literature on fans…was drive by concerns which arose from the Incorporation/Resistance paradigm…the studies were concerned to examine the way in which sectors of the audience were active in response to dominant forms of mass media” (Meyers 2009). While these are direct comments on celebrity culture, one ultimately recognizes that the institution of celebrity fandom is also an essential barometer of the pulse of the nation. One regularly witnesses such negotiation occurring through fans’ productive operations, when the celebrity gossip isn’t simply about exciting exploits, but also about moral or ethical behavior. This occurs on a daily basis with things as large as murder (OJ Simpson) and as small as basketball-star Ron Artest stiffing his ex-employee. The cumulative impact of these theoretical perspectives on celebrity, fandom, and fan productive mechanisms, demonstrates if nothing else that the institution of celebrity constitutes a major indicator of current or potential cultural trends.
IV. Questions

·         What specific elements of fandom are most interesting to fans?

·         In what ways do fans attempt to engage in fandom?

·         Are there any universals or broad ranging insights that can be established for further research?

V. The Design – Methods and Procedures

              The specific research implemented is a case study approach into the bounded phenomenon of fandom in specific context. The case study method spans a wide array of potential investigation criteria.  While one generally associates case studies with particular social events and a quasi-ethnographic form, in actuality theorists recognize that case studies extend to a variety of modes of bounded phenomenon. Thomas (2011, p. 515) offers a highly comprehensive articulation of the case study concept.
The case study takes on a number of forms. For instance, case studies can be either descriptive or explanatory. Explanatory case studies work to explore causation within the study’s specific focus as a means of establishing underlining principles, while descriptive case studies work to articulate the general phenomenon that is observed. The proscriptive case study establishes criteria for the investigation; as this study progresses specific cases that match this criteria are incorporated into the investigation. In terms of this specific case study a number of inputs will be considered. The main focus of the study is the celebrity fan-site TMZ. This site features daily celebrity gossip stories. While there is no specific number of stories that are posted per day, the total generally is between five and seven. The first stage of the case study will be to examine the celebrity cases posted during a two-week period between April 1st, 2012 and April 14th, 2012. The specific method implemented in analyzing the website is qualitative. The specific theoretical orientation within this qualitative analysis is phenomenology. Phenomenological analysis considers subjective reality through, “interpretive sensitivity, inventive thoughtfulness, scholarly tact, and writing talent of the human science researcher” (van Manen, 1990, p. 34). As such the research data will be analyzed and later formulated within this investigative paradigm. 
            These stories will be noted on a chart in terms of four main categorical distinctions: date ‘news’ occurred, celebrities involved, actions they were involved in, form of media implemented (video, photography, text), number of fan social media interactions with the specific story (Facebook Likes and Shares, Google Plus shares, and retweets). This data will then be implemented in exploratory analysis. Namely, specific themes or nodes will attempted to be established in the types of stories that are posted and the amount of fan interaction with these stories. While the results and potential findings remain unknown greatly influencing this research are previous studies, as established in the literature review. Within this spectrum of investigation specific consideration is given to notions of celebrity gossip as mediating between proper social practices. Additional consideration is given to the potential influence of the celebrity gossip stories as a means of stylistic influence on the audience. Finally, notions of celebrity gossip functioning simply for narrative or salacious details are considered. While these are the pervading investigative criteria, the research recognizes that in addition to these notions there is the possibility of newfound discoveries through thematic nodes. In addition to the specific stories posted over these periods, fan comments will be examined. Each posted story on TMZ has the option for fans to respond. The comment section occurs as the fan clicks on the ‘Comment’ option, bringing them to a new screen. The new screen features the original story, but now underneath are a series of post fan comments. Within this specific comments are the options of whether to ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ the specific comment, or to make a new comment. This aspect of the case study will occur, as the story that receives the most comments for the day will be analyzed. While the high amounts of comments contained per story is extensive to the point that characterizing every comment is recognized to be unfeasible a broad ranging qualitative analysis will be applied to this aspect of the research. The previously noted research questions will be considered; however added to these considerations are the recognitions that the intentions of the TMZ site makers and the fan’s interest in responding may function on divergent lines. Potential divergences will be considered within the research. The fan’s comments will further be considered in terms of the ways and reasons they seem to interact. Questions that will be thematic in this analysis are the extent that the comments and interactions are simply for social purposes, if there is a deeper significance specifically related to the celebrity story, and what motivates the others to ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ certain comments and not other. These findings will then be compared and contrasted to the findings regarding the specific stories as the research works to advance a number of broad ranging insights that could pave the way for future research.      
VI. Limitations and Delimitations

            There are a number of potential limitations to this case study. One of the most pervasive limitations is the nature of the case study format. While the case study allows for specific and improved focus on the subject matter it is necessarily limiting. In terms of this specific case there is the possibility that the celebrity fandom that is exhibited in TMZ stories and fans’ interactions with these stories is more indicative of the TMZ site than it is broader concerns with fandom throughout all venues. Another potential limitation is the time that the sample is taken. While a two week study is feasible for this specific research it is possible that during this time abnormal stories or comments are occurring that would hinder the effectiveness of the study in developing broad ranging insights into the nature of celebrity fandom. Still, even while there are limitations to the study that may restrict the expansiveness of its implications, the research recognizes that it also can function as a contributing perspective to future research into fandom.   
VII. Significance of the Study

            The study is significant on a number of grounds. From the perspective of capital organization the study indicates potential mechanisms wherein future public relations, advertising, and marketing actions could be implemented more effectively. Another significant element is the pure sociological significance of the findings, as they will potentially contribute to an increased understanding of celebrity culture and the fandom that supports it.   
Adorno, Theodor, and Max Horkheimer. (1979). ‘‘The Culture Industry: En- lightenment             as Mass Deception.’’ Mass Communication and Society. Ed. James Curren et al.     Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1979. 349–83.
Marshall, P. (1997) David. Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture.   Minneapolis:    U of Minnesota P.
Meyers, E. ‘Can You Handle My Truth?’ The Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 42, No. 5,             2009
Rojek, C. (2001). Celebrity. Reaktion Books. 
Thomas, G. (2011) A typology for the case study in social science following a review

            of definition, discourse and structure. Qualitative Inquiry, 17, 6, 511-521

van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action

            sensitive pedagogy. London, Ontario, Canada: Althouse Press.


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