Wednesday, 18 July 2012

0 Social Disorganization

In this paper, the proponent tries to elaborately discuss the following questions. What is social disorganization? How does social disorganization relate to organized crime and its evolution? How well does social disorganization meet the criteria for organized crime and its various relationships? What is the correlation of corrupt political machines and social disorganization to the development of organized crime? 

Social disorganization defined
In social organization, everybody has the ability to come up with shared values or beliefs. Thus, in the case of social disorganization, there is a tendency that an individual’s action associates with law-violating behavior that in one way or another complexly organized or unorganized (Lyman & Potter, 2007; Mallory, 2007). To cite an instance, the case of gang culture could remarkably deviate from the prevailing order within the society. Within the gang culture, it could be evident that in one way or another, there is a presence of leadership that is either organized or unorganized. There might be order within this culture, but from the point of view of the society, there is a deviation from the actual law enforced by the people. It is in this case that one could link the case of gang culture with social disorganization. 

Social disorganization, organized crime and its evolution 
At this point it is important to understand how does social disorganization relate to organized crime and its evolution. Again, one substantial case that could explicate this point is gang culture. Gangs have substantive culture that within it there is a great presence of shared values and beliefs. What makes this shared values and beliefs became a success is the point in which gangs have remarkably hired new set of members and flourish due to unsuccessful prosecution effort and even worst, becoming legitimate business (Lyman & Porter, 2007). All of these could remarkably start within street gangs. The evolution is so tough, but the bottom line paves the way for organizing street gangs into something vibrant readily associated with business that could also interconnect with corrupt officials, which eventually strengthens them further to become established crime groups. 

Relationship between social disorganization and organized crime
As already stated, social disorganization could evolve and become established organized crime. Eventually social disorganization meets the criteria of organized crime because just like the latter, it is completely against the prevailing values and set standard by the society through the prevailing law emancipated for the protection of everybody’s freedom or right. Law-breaking behavior is generally present within the context of social disorganization and ultimately street gangs could evolve as groups that would have fundamental association with corrupt officials leading to their social, economic and political power. Due to these fundamental reasons, there is not doubt that social disorganization such as in the case of gang culture eventually meets the criteria for organized crime. In fact, its evolution substantially completes the achievement of these criteria. 

Corrupt political machine and social disorganization
As already stated, a full-pledged or grown up group of street gangs eventually make it a point to consider undertaking maximum gain through establishing a business for the survival of the group and maximum benefits of each member. However, along the way, social disorganization such as in the case of street gangs and their evolution would try to make it a point to maximize the achievement of relevant gains for the benefits of their groups. In reality, they have close tie or connection with corrupt officials (Lyman & Porter, 2007). In other words, the more there will be corrupt officials, social disorganization continues to prevail and even continue to move in an upward spiral. It is due to the fact that the presence of these corrupt political machines creates the competitive advantage of social disorganization and even vice versa. For instance, the achievement of goals on the part of social disorganization lies on the kind of tie up they have. Having connection with political officials is an advantage as they might have enough and relevant control over public domain and resources. Therefore, when corrupt political machine and social disorganization would be in unity, substantial outcome would be evident especially in the achievement of both political and economic gains. 

As discussed, social disorganization and organized crime may turn out having the same economic, social and political objectives. In reality, street gangs could eventually evolve to something to something big as organized crime as corrupt political machine enters into its growth. It would mean sustainability on the part of social disorganization, and a remarkable strength on corrupt political machine to help perpetuate its social, economic and political power. Therefore, understanding organized crime from the point of view of corrupt political machine and established social disorganization could substantially pave the way for understanding specific aspect about crime. 

References Lyman, M. D., & Potter, G. W. (2007). Organized crime (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. 

Mallory, S. L. (2007). Understanding organized crime. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.


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